Aberdeen North Parish Church

Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR

Kiltwalk 2024

Pavements and pathways across Aberdeen’s City and Shire were a sea of tartan at the beginning of June for what was a record-breaking Kiltwalk. A remarkable 5,200 people laced up their walking shoes to raise funds for over 400 Scottish charities, in what was the biggest ever Granite City Kiltwalk to date.

Among the walkers was Jay Thomas, our Church and Community Worker at Aberdeen North Parish Church. He was joined in the challenge by Church Elder Ian Anderson, and together they were raising funds to help send a number of young people and their families to the ReFuel Festival taking place later in the summer.

Both took on the Mighty Stride, a 18 mile route starting at Duthie Park and finishing at Bellfield Park in Banchory, with most of the walk following the Deeside Way (which follows the line of the Old Royal Deeside Railway).

Jay explained, “This was my first Kiltwalk and I was nervous beforehand whether or not I’d manage to complete it. Having Ian there to push me on made all the difference, especially for the final few miles. It was an incredible day and seeing so many people take part helped me to realise that the Kiltwalk is more than just a scenic stroll through the city and surrounding countryside. It’s a celebration of community spirit and charitable giving, where every step taken translates into support for worthy causes.”

A massive well done to Jay and Ian, who at time of publishing have raised £1000 towards their fundraising goal.

Donations to support this valuable work can still be at here.